Lexi had just a 10-percent chance of survival, but her parents kept praying.

Lexi had just a 10-percent chance of survival, but her parents kept praying.
Initiative seeks to train church elders across the territory to assist overworked pastors.
Global Adventist Internet Network meetings discuss equipment, methods, and more.
Adventist restauranteur in California serves plant-based meals and Christian friendship.
At UN symposium, organizers say contributions of religious groups go beyond mobilizing resources.
The aid organization is looking for a million signatures for global education advocacy.
Adventist facility hosts health-care IT professionals from three continents.
An Adventist pilot learns to trust God’s timing in northern Canada.
In Rwanda, ADRA Men’s Club is changing men for the better, and I am living proof of it.
Because of them, I dare to do some gracious act.
Bachelor of Science degree is now La Sierra University’s largest major.
‘Chosen and Loved’ event highlights the role of women in mission, discipleship.
Loma Linda research results apply regardless of gender, education, age, or income.
Among the baptismal candidates was young Dakarai Williams’s mother.
The Global Adventist Internet Network (GAiN) project will launch on February 22, 2019.
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