After 54 years, the Taksim Adventist church in Istanbul celebrates its reopening.

After 54 years, the Taksim Adventist church in Istanbul celebrates its reopening.
Banquet ceremony honors pioneer of the Adventist Association of Faith Community Nursing.
The “New Beginning” facility will provide exercise options, counseling, and healthy food.
Stephanie Rice will work to increase awareness of the benefits of a plant-based diet.
Adventist ministries step up to assist furloughed employees in need.
The church keeps growing and expanding in the Southern Asia-Pacific region.
Grace truly received always becomes grace given.
Conversation brought together Adventist and Adventist Reform thinkers and leaders.
The Lord Transform Me initiative has resulted in thousands of new church members.
What is it about this Adventist tradition that keeps people attending each year?
Experts review evidence of biblical narratives and challenges moving forward.
The long-awaited ruling supports a legal right to Saturday (Sabbath) accommodation.
Experienced educator will take over on July 1.
PULSEmeet 2019 provides a safe space for encouragement and challenge.
Event highlights the role of religious freedom as an inalienable human right.
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