Generation Youth for Christ makes prayer the center of a unique outreach initiative.

Generation Youth for Christ makes prayer the center of a unique outreach initiative.
In Ecuador, young Adventists find a creative method to start a new congregation.
As the youngest presenters, they interact with top herpetologists in an academic setting.
Below our deepest hurt and darkest shame, there is the grace of God—forgiving us, rebuilding us, repairing all that’s broken. Above our highest […]
As a next step, Paul Kagame promises support for a training hospital.
Revival for Mission explores ways in which Adventists serve around the world
Largest Adventist division shares “secret sauce”
Adventist Church president and regional church leaders remember first missionaries.
In Brazil, Living Water Project provides drinking water, medical care, and massages.
Schools and churches affected; leaders give thanks for love and support they are getting.
Southwestern Adventist University summer dig results in 2,300 bones unearthed.
Expert explains current trends and challenges for Adventist leaders in the 21st century.
In Myanmar, ADRA Canada is assisting people affected by ongoing internal conflicts.
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