Facilities will help students, faculty, and staff to connect with the Creator, leaders said.

Facilities will help students, faculty, and staff to connect with the Creator, leaders said.
He did not create us to perpetuate it, experience it, or even see it.
Rally in the streets of Santo Domingo is held under the theme “Created With a Purpose.”
In both rural and inner-city communities, AdventHealth is helping to feed those in need.
In Cameroon, men are called to join forces beyond gender to build for the Lord.
The following release was received for distribution from ADRA International. ~ Editors Jonathan Duffy, president of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) […]
Institution keeps faithful to its mission statement, “To make man whole through Christ’s love.”
Loma Linda University Health physician seeks to inform those who may not know the dangers.
The fifth annual congress draws more than 3,600 young people eager to serve.
I understand why Jesus became human, but why will He remain human forever?
We asked readers: What comes to mind when you think of the words “the blessed hope”? How has the reality of Christ’s return affected your Christian experience, as well as that of your family and friends? Here are a few of their responses.—Editors.
You’ve been asking just for rain, demanding that He do things your way. What if He has a better idea?
Moving from disappointment to mission
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