Wonder why you are here? Because you can make a difference.

Wonder why you are here? Because you can make a difference.
Is it a good detox agent?
Interested in current events, relevant news, and a dose of spirituality?
Jesus will return.
Boardrooms as well as ball fields
There is an irony, both sweet and sad, in the fact that millions of Seventh-day Adventists around the globe will note the 175th […]
At least 10 times. That’s about how many times the Bible refers to the three incidents in which people crossed through rivers or […]
In the big picture of the universe, earth is insignificant. But not to God.
No matter how far or fast we may run from Him, He still pursues us.
Maranatha celebrates five decades of construction, service, and changing lives.
The following sermon* was preached by William Miller in 1842. The language clearly exhibits traits of the nineteenth century; the ideas, however, are solidly biblical, timeless, and echo both urgency and passion.—Editors
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