When life is in the balance

When life is in the balance
New division is part of a 10-year transformational strategy, leaders said.
Conscience and Justice Council holds its annual convention.
An entry from the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
Gathering of advocates reminds Adventist rationale for defense of the right to worship.
Families receive food after fleeing submerged areas.
But perhaps not in the way you think.
ACS distributes food and relief items after fires destroy hundreds of thousands of acres.
Faith in God is what moves Loma Linda University Health to care for people, a thankful patient says.
How an Adventist professor rediscovered Ellen G. White’s writings during the lockdown.
It is an opportunity too consequential to get it wrong.
Adventist humanitarian agency is assisting victims of the conflict.
Looking for normalcy in unsettled times
Church leaders congratulated the group and reminded them of their calling.
The center brings access to language, tailoring, and music classes, ADRA leaders said.
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