The first surgery of its kind in Mexico and Latin America, it is only the seventh in the world.

The first surgery of its kind in Mexico and Latin America, it is only the seventh in the world.
How ADRA Australia helped a grieving man get back on his feet.
Losing and winning the fight with pride
Today his influence still is being felt, and the impress of his shaping hand still is seen.
Greetings, Friends. As you know, we are living in very strange and unusual times. During these last several months we have seen crises […]
Adventist educator takes a different approach to Micah 6:8.
Adventist passenger saw service request as an opportunity to witness and share hope.
Resource expected to be used in evangelism, small groups, and personal spiritual revival.
Has your life experienced a storm lately?
Board of Governors’ extraordinary meeting lays out plans for the college to stay relevant.
October is Clergy/Pastor Appreciation Month. Here are some ways to show appreciation.
The health system is one of just nine companies in the U.S. to get that recognition.
An entry from the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
Why wait decades for an answer?
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