Maranatha volunteers in Kenya worship at a Maasai Adventist church under a tree.

Maranatha volunteers in Kenya worship at a Maasai Adventist church under a tree.
I have met too many people who have a hard time telling God what they really feel.
The Portuguese hymnal replacing the 1996 edition will be officially launched on July 8.
Maranatha Volunteers International encompasses much more than laying block.
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has served in Bulgaria for the past 30 years. Following the long tradition of providing high-quality […]
The goal is to assist underserved communities in Little Haiti and El Portal neighborhoods.
A little may be helpful; a lot is damaging. Find out here how much is too much.
Hands-on approach motivates young members to be active in the business of the church.
ADRA Canada works with partners to highlight the dangers of smoking.
US$3.4-million-grant will help Loma Linda University establish the new program.
Evangelistic efforts in Baja California add to new believers’ welcome across the country.
At the CALLED convention, 15 projects are awarded a total of US$120,000.
Retired psychology professor had far-reaching influence, especially in children’s spirituality.
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