Seventh-day Adventist women from across the territory met to be commended and inspired.
Seventh-day Adventist women from across the territory met to be commended and inspired.
It began with one daughter taking Bible studies and spread to 12 others in the family.
Forde has led the Maryland-based Adventist health system for 13 years.
Clinic is part of the lead-up to the nationwide PNG for Christ evangelist campaign.
The former health-care leader and university president left a remarkable spiritual impression.
Insights from the European Tri-Division Workshop
Lyndelle Peterson has been associate ministerial secretary and replaces Brendan Pratt.
Marcellus Robinson brings a lifetime of dedicated ministry to a new role.
The kingdom of God is expanding regardless of the circumstances.
This year’s theme, “Planet vs. Plastics,” highlights plastics recycled in sustainable development.
Jesus is coming soon!
Pacific Union College offers inspiring worship outreach teams that can travel.
Over the years, several language groups have blossomed in one united congregation.
Abraham Schrock turned loss into blessing as he helped with church rebuilding.
Initiative is seeking to support regional church efforts to increase its membership.
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