Messages of hope and wholeness are always welcome, especially around the holidays.

Messages of hope and wholeness are always welcome, especially around the holidays.
A young Korean Seventh-day Adventist missionary in Taiwan shares her story.
Youth orchestra represents the special administrative region at international event.
More than 100 gathered for three days of spiritual growth and fellowship.
On the sidelines of the G20 event in Rio de Janeiro, agency reported on its services.
AdventHealth Conference on Mission encourages participants to continue leaning on Jesus.
Volume shares experiences of David Syme, a former ADRA Australia CEO.
Leaders from diverse fields receive recognition for their contributions to the community.
Are there any cardiac health benefits from alcohol?
Mission trip of 40 volunteers energizes local churches and pastors.
Educational institution in PNG seeks to cater to an increasing student population.
Inauguration is part of a long-term project that seeks to develop a center of influence.
Global partnerships across Adventist Church divisions help to achieve historic milestone.
Seventh-day Adventist Church region renews commitment, announces funding for evangelism.
Six-time champion Aguska Mnich shares the impact Christ has made in her life.
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