We were greatly saddened to learn of the horrific crash of a Jeju Air flight on its final approach into the Muan International […]

We were greatly saddened to learn of the horrific crash of a Jeju Air flight on its final approach into the Muan International […]
Sahmyook Foods, a Seventh-day Adventist food company in South Korea, is providing assistance and support to the bereaved families of the December 29 […]
As the nation’s grief deepens following the passenger plane crash that occurred at Muan International Airport in South Korea on December 29, the […]
Nearly 900 youth from Adventist, public, and home schools attended junior high and high school youth camps in Oregon
That afternoon God dissolved both of our doubts—mine regarding my judgment and her sincerity, and hers regarding the failures of her former life.
Regional church leaders ask for prayers for the bereaved.
La Sierra University has already received the first installment of the 5-year initiative.
The fourfold methodology of the Seventh-day Adventist mission, initiated by Ellen White, played a significant role in the growth of the Adventist Church.
Nepal Section church leaders emphasize unity and urgency in sharing the gospel during their November 2024 year-end meeting.
Why Seventh-day Adventists must choose ‘inquiry over invective’
Simple solutions for a sedentary lifestyle
Changes in dorm worship format almost doubles attendance.
Southern Adventist University student shares his call to ministry.
Since its inception in 2015, Operation Okoa Mlevi (Operation Save a Drunkard) has emerged as a transformative ministry within the Greater Rift Valley […]
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