Honorees receive a token of appreciation as a symbol of their willingness to do mission.

Honorees receive a token of appreciation as a symbol of their willingness to do mission.
Deep learning system is helping researchers analyze and classify findings.
GC associate youth director Pako Mokgwane encourages Adventist students on secular campuses.
Dealing with “difficult” people
Seventh-day Adventist pastor in the Welsh Mission shares her journey of faith.
First gathering explores ways to increase training opportunities in sign language.
Two recent baptisms in a local church’s ministry highlight the importance of reaching out.
Sanitarium initiative has donated 10 million breakfast servings over the past four years.
Judges at the international technology fair chose device that assists personal education.
In parts of southern United States, church members are helping their neighbors with recovery.
A special program aired across the country commemorated two decades of sharing hope.
James Marape says he is a testament to the contribution of those pioneers.
Group of Adventist volunteers completed construction of a new place of worship.
Facilities at Yangon Adventist Seminary seek to foster reading.
ADRA-run ‘Keeping Girls Safe’ initiative has been active for twenty years.
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