This unique Bible study reading plan organizes the four Gospels in chronological order, and then groups them in 365 daily readings….

The editorial team of Adventist World invites you to increase the time you spend with Jesus in 2022. This unique Bible study reading plan organizes the four Gospels in chronological order, and then groups them in 365 daily readings.¹ Corresponding selections from Ellen White’s powerful volumes, The Desire of Ages and Christ’s Object Lessons, are included to deepen your understanding of the Gospel content.² Some selections are accorded two, three, or even four days in order to keep each one clear and accessible. A more unhurried reading pace was deliberately chosen to allow time to contemplate the life of the One who came to give His life for ours. We pray that your life will be changed day by day as you spend time with Jesus.

¹ There are many versions available in order to read the Gospels chronologically. The one used as the base was produced by Rick Aschmann, with some modifications. You may be interested in his extensive work. Check it out at:
² There are many printings of both these books. The page numbers listed are from the Ellen G. White writings website, which follows the standard pagination for The Desire of Ages and Christ’s Object Lessons. You may find both books at: