Over the past few days the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been deeply saddened by the news of violence and the loss of innocent […]

Over the past few days the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been deeply saddened by the news of violence and the loss of innocent lives due to prejudice and hate.
We express our deep condolences to the families of the two African-Americans who were senselessly shot and killed in what appears to be an act of racially-motivated violence at a supermarket in Jeffersontown, Kentucky.
We sorrow with the families and friends who lost loved ones last Sabbath during the shooting that took place at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Eleven precious lives were lost, and several more injured, simply because they were Jewish.
Let us pray for the families affected and for the spirit of Christ to reign in hearts so that hatred and bigotry will be put away. Let us pray for Christ’s soon coming, and when God’s perfect peace will reign at last.
Let us also include prayer for the families of the 189 people who were lost in the recent crash of the Lion Air aircraft in Indonesia.
All of these sorrows are indications that we live in a sinful world and underline that we are longing for the soon coming of Christ.
May we renew our focus on mission, seeking to reach our friends, neighbors, communities, and beyond as we bring the hope that only Christ can give to a world desperately in need of Him.
Ted N.C. Wilson, President
Seventh-day Adventist Church