Death Toll Nears 300

“As we face the new year of 2019, many of our brothers and sisters in various places of the world are facing distinct challenges and difficulties. I am requesting that all of us as a worldwide church family humble ourselves before God and pray for His unifying power in our lives and His church. Please pray for those in particular difficulties…..our hearts go out to the thousands touched by, yet again, another tsunami disaster affecting the people of Indonesia.
With hundreds dead and many wounded in this tragedy, again we are reminded of the prophetic times in which we live realizing that Christ’s second advent is very close. As we end 2018 and enter the new year, let us renew our commitment to revival and reformation through the power and grace of Christ. Let us lift up Christ, His Word, His righteousness, His sanctuary service, His saving power in the great controversy, His three angels’ messages, His health message, His last-day mission to the world including the need to plead for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit, and His soon second coming.
Pray like never before asking for the Lord to prepare our hearts for the final proclamation to this world as outlined in Revelation 14 and 18. May God bless and keep each of you as you stand firmly on His Word and look to Him for direction in 2019.”
Ted N C Wilson, president, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.