School is still forced to turn away hundreds each year due to lack of space.

One year after breaking ground at the Khunti Seventh-day Adventist School in Khunti, Jharkhand, India, the large 12-classroom Elementary Education Center (EEC) on campus is complete. The project has been sponsored by Maranatha Volunteers International, a U.S.-based supporting ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Khunti Seventh-day Adventist School has an enrollment of 1,300 but is forced to turn away hundreds of children each year due to lack of space, local leaders explained.
“Classrooms are crowded, elementary grades are scattered throughout campus, and there is no space large enough for the entire school to assemble,” they said. “Deteriorating buildings are also a deterrent for existing and prospective families.”
Maranatha leaders said the new structure will allow elementary grades to be housed together in bright classrooms with a central meeting space for assemblies.
“With more space, the school will be able to take more children next year,” they said. “Although it is a Christian campus in a majority Hindu region, the Khunti school is regarded with distinction in the community. As one of the only English-speaking schools in the area, families are eager for their children to attend Khunti, where they also learn about Jesus and the Bible.”
The new building was made possible in part by a gift from the Krueger family in memory of Sue Krueger. Sue, a long-time volunteer and supporter of Maranatha, had a passion for education and a special affinity for India, and the EEC is named in her honor.
Maranatha leaders pointed out that the new Khunti building is the 116th EEC that Maranatha has built around the world.
These are not just regular structures. “These substantial structures are unique because every square foot is usable space,” they said. “With no internal hallways, a central open area is surrounded by classrooms. During the week, the open area accommodates assemblies and chapels; on Sabbath, the space can be used for church.”
About Maranatha Volunteers International
Maranatha Volunteers International, which in 2019 will be celebrating its 50th anniversary, is a support organization that fulfills requests for construction assistance in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Each project is carefully considered for need, overall impact on the community, and resources for long-term maintenance and support.
Currently, Maranatha is working in 14 countries around the world. Efforts are focused on church and school construction and water wells. A portion of the projects is completed by volunteers participating in short-term mission trips organized by this supporting organization.
The original version of this story was posted on the Maranatha Volunteers International site.