It Is Written ministry presents a 16-month evangelism cycle initiative.

Local churches around the United States are signing up to take part in ACTS 20:21 — a 16-month evangelism cycle initiative for churches in North America. Presented by It Is Written, ACTS 20:21 begins October 9, 2020, and includes six evangelistic events, training, a brand new, comprehensive database and outreach management app, soul-winning resources, and direct social media advertising.
It Is Written president John Bradshaw will present the first five series online, with two series co-presented by local pastors. A sixth series will be presented by church pastors, strengthening the connection between series attendees and the local church.
“The evangelism cycle is important in reaching souls for Christ,” said Yves Monnier, It Is Written evangelism director. “One evangelistic series isn’t enough. It’s a process, and it all centers around meeting people’s needs and making personal connections. That hasn’t changed in the world of social distancing; in fact, it may have become more important. So It Is Written has designed a 16-month process that will meet those needs.”
According to Bradshaw, It Is Written is capitalizing on knowledge gained from two large virtual events the ministry held this past April and June. “We had the opportunity to learn a lot about what is truly effective in the realm of virtual evangelism,” he said. The 2020 and 2021 meetings will reach several audience needs. Meetings will discuss prophecy, personal faith, health, prayer, and doctrine. “We’ve carefully listened to feedback from pastors and church leaders who joined us in our virtual series this spring and summer,” Bradshaw continued. “As a result, the outcome is a more comprehensive online evangelism initiative that will yield even greater results than we saw in Hope Awakens and Take Charge of Your Health.”
The six meeting series, all under the umbrella of ACTS 20:21, is a turnkey approach for churches or districts to plan for their evangelism in 2021.
“In addition to providing the online advertising, database, and meetings with Pastor John Bradshaw,” Monnier said, “your church will also receive over a year of evangelism coaching and training by It Is Written evangelists and mentorship for your local church members. You won’t be able to find this anywhere else. We have kept the costs low so that as many churches and church districts as possible could participate.”
The evangelism cycle builds relationships. Guests who attend a meeting on prayer or health early in the year will make connections that will encourage them to attend a full-message evangelism series later on.
The schedule for ACTS 20:21 is as follows:
- October 2020: Prophecy series (Answers in Prophecy)
- January 2021: Revival series for church members
- April/May 2021: Health series
- August 2021: Prayer series
- October 2021: Full message evangelistic series
- Following evangelistic series in 2021: follow-up series by local church pastors
“There has never been a better time to be involved in evangelism,” Bradshaw said. “People are asking questions like no other time in recent memory. It is time to reach directly to those in our communities with the gospel message for this time. Churches that partner with It Is Written will receive tools, training, and resources. Our experienced team will provide coaching and assistance, and together we’ll see the Holy Spirit do an incredible work.”
The original version of this story was posted on the North American Division news site.