Adventist University of the Philippines examinees are now licensed medical technologists.

Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP) recently achieved a remarkable feat by attaining a 100-percent passing rate in the Medical Technologist Licensure Examination in the Philippines.
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) released the licensure examination results on March 14. The PRC revealed that all 36 AUP examinees successfully passed the examination.
Among the top-notchers is Jezriel James Maquinana Jacob, who scored 91.50 percent and finished fifth among those who took the examination.
AUP is one of the leading universities in the country, known for its excellent academic programs and Bible-based education. The university, through its College of Health, offers a comprehensive program in medical technology that aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to become competent medical technologists.
AUP College of Health’s Medical Technology program had made waves in the Filipino educational scene with a steady 100-percent pass-rate record in board exams from 2011 to 2020. This outstanding result demonstrates the program’s dedication to offering high-quality education and developing highly knowledgeable and professional medical technicians, school leaders said.
“Such an achievement is a testament to the institution’s quality of education and the student’s and faculty members’ hard work and dedication,” AUP president Araceli Rosario said. “We are extremely proud of our students and faculty for their hard work and dedication to excellence.”
The licensure examination for medical technologists is a comprehensive test that measures a candidate’s knowledge and skills in various areas, including clinical chemistry, clinical microbiology, hematology, immunology-serology, immunohematology, histopathology, clinical microscopy, and medical technology laws.
Passing the examination is a significant milestone for the examinees as it allows them to practice as registered medical technologists in the Philippines and pursue a career in the health-care industry.
With the university’s recent achievement, AUP continues to demonstrate its commitment to producing competent and compassionate health-care professionals who will positively impact their communities and the world, school leaders said. And the 100-percent passing rate of AUP in the Medical Technologist Licensure Examination “reflects the university’s dedication to academic excellence and its mission to produce graduates who will make a positive impact on society,” they said.
AUP College of Health’s stated mission is to provide Bible-based health professions education, nurturing students for academic excellence, Christ-like character, and exemplary service. The College of Health offers degrees in laboratory science, nutrition and diabetes, and public health. In the area of public health, it offers majors in health ministry, health promotion and education, lifestyle medicine, microbiology and parasitology, and nutrition.
The original version of this story was posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division news site.