The first in seven years, it included final presidential report by retiring Andrea Luxton.

On March 7, the Andrews University Board Corporation members met for a delayed quinquennial meeting. Originally scheduled for 2020, the meeting was postponed due to the pandemic and was rescheduled to follow the most recent General Conference session in 2022.
“Even though corporation meetings don’t happen frequently — it’s been seven years since our last one — they are important moments for our university,” Andrews president Andrea Luxton said. “These meetings gave us a chance to review and vote for board membership, and that newly voted board will meet for the first time on June 1. There are other important things, including confirming bylaw changes, and these meetings give the president a chance to let these important stakeholders, or members, of our corporation, know about what we’ve done, and what we’re hoping to do, as a university.”
During the session, the corporation membership elected new members, voted bylaw changes, and heard the presidential report.
The primary business of the separate March 7 Board of Trustees meeting, which took place just prior to the corporation meeting, was to review budgets and academic updates. As part of its agenda, the board went into executive session to vote for the president-elect of Andrews University, John Wesley Taylor V.
New Board Members
Part of the preparation process for a meeting of the corporation involves the creation of an ad hoc subcommittee that reviews and recommends names for the next Board of Trustees. The subcommittee is made up of 24 ex-officio representatives from the Seventh-day Adventist Church as well as Andrews University alumni, faculty, and staff. The group is chaired by the president of the General Conference and gathers prior to the corporation meeting to discuss nominations provided by the university administration for the board. A specific list of names was brought to the March 7 meeting for confirmation.
Dalry Payne, senior executive assistant to the university president, explained, “Twenty of the board members are elected trustees, and the remaining twenty-one are ex officio. At the meeting, 12 of the current elected trustees were voted to continue for another new term, and eight individuals were elected as new trustees.”
Once the new trustees have confirmed their acceptance of the election, the official list of the members will be updated and posted on the university website. This new board will serve until 2026, when the regular quinquennial sessions return to the pre-pandemic pattern.
Presidential Report
Luxton’s Presidential Report addressed highlights from the various academic areas on campus, including the College of Health & Human Services, the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, the College of Education & International Services, the College of Arts & Sciences, and the J. N. Andrews Honors Society and College of Professions. Luxton also delivered key updates from the administration and services teams, including University Culture & Inclusion, Campus & Student Life, and the Office of Research & Creative Scholarship, and gave an additional update about Andrews University Press’s recent release, the Andrews Bible Commentary.
Luxton’s report emphasized a distinct focus on mission, service, and academic success in every area of the university, as well as the integration and development of faith throughout. She also spoke to the university’s rankings and reviewed retention and graduation rates on campus. Although the president did address the national trends impacting higher education, such as the need for financial innovation and increased mental health support, the report emphasized the university’s resilience in the face of various crises over the past few years, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
Strategic Plan
The Presidential Report concluded with Luxton speaking to the current 2022–2025 Strategic Plan for the university and its call for greater access, greater flexibility, and innovative solutions. Based on nearly 150 years of Andrews history, the plan communicates the overarching themes, missions and goals of the institution, and proposes actionable plans.
In addition to these Strategic Plan updates, Luxton noted that broadened revenue streams and deepened university partnerships will be key to forthcoming success. She closed on the affirmation that continued prayer has been and will remain at the heart of the future of Andrews University.
The next Andrews University Board Corporation meeting will be held in 2026, in the year following the 2025 General Conference session, and will then return to its quinquennial schedule.
The original version of this story was posted by Andrews University.