Remembering Kari

The following note was made available for distribution by former General Conference president Jan Paulsen. The Adventist Review and Adventist World staff continue to pray for the Paulsen family during this time of loss. ~ Editors
Loss comes to us all. It shows no favors. It just leaves one with an emptiness craving for healing.
That’s where I am—remembering Kari.
Many came to the service held in Mjondalen church in Norway, but many more have reached out to me and my family through emails, letters, and phone calls. I cannot get back to each of you personally, but I want to acknowledge your thoughtfulness and thank you for the warmth and care that you have shown.
It is hard to lose a mother, a grandmother, and a wife and partner of almost 65 years. Kari and I had innumerable experiences in meeting people from all over the world. The acquaintances and friendships we have been privileged to have through these years have been a rich part of our life story.
Continue to nurture others who have needs and are challenged with things that make life complicated. People need people. Where love abounds, there is so much hope. Heaven is our future—what a grand event that will be!
Always in His service,
Jan Paulsen