Decision is the end of AMITA, a joint operating company in the greater Chicago area.

After working closely together for nearly seven years, AdventHealth and Ascension have decided to unwind their AMITA Health partnership, the joint operating company serving the health-care needs of residents of the greater Chicago area in Illinois, United States.
Leaders of both sponsoring organizations have determined that going forward separately is in their collective best interest to more nimbly meet consumers’ changing needs and expectations in the rapidly evolving health-care environment.
Both organizations are committed to a smooth and expeditious transition, leaders said. Following the transition, AdventHealth and Ascension will operate their individual hospitals and care sites in the Chicagoland area. There will be no disruption to patient care.
Ascension and AdventHealth said they will begin the process of unwinding the partnership in a way that best serves the needs of the community. AdventHealth and Ascension maintain a strong relationship and are united in ensuring the residents of Chicago have access to the best possible health care.
AdventHealth facilities include Adventist Medical Center Hinsdale, Adventist Medical Center Bolingbrook, Adventist Medical Center La Grange, and Adventist Medical Center GlenOaks.
Report to the Executive Committee
November 8-10, the Lake Union Conference (LUC) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church met for its annual year-end meeting, themed “Together in Mission: I Will Go,” in sync with the strategic focus of the North American Division. It was the second year the meetings were held virtually because of the pandemic.
On November 10, LUC president Ken Denslow chaired the 38-member executive committee meeting. As part of the president’s report, Thor Thordarson, chief operating officer of AMITA Health, provided updates on major changes coming to the health system. An amicable decision was made in October 2021 to dissolve the interfaith health network between Alexian Brothers Health System, Presence Health (both part of Ascension), and Adventist Midwest Health.
Thordarson explained that the Adventist hospitals including Adventist Medical Center Hinsdale, Adventist Medical Center Bolingbrook, Adventist Medical Center La Grange, and Adventist Medical Center GlenOaks weren’t doing as well six years ago when the partnership was entered into but are “now doing much better.” They are “carrying the larger financial burden of the other systems.”
This change means control of the Adventist hospitals reverts to the parent company, AdventHealth. “We’re coming home, so to speak,” he said.
Thordarson accepted an invitation to serve as CEO of the Chicagoland hospitals and said the reverse merger playbook is now underway. It is expected that as of March 31, 2022, the transfer of all employees to AdventHealth will be complete. By April 1, the AdventHealth branding will go live.
“The feedback we are receiving from medical staff and the community has been very positive. It’s tremendous, and we’re excited for what it means.”
This story is based on several reports by the Lake Union Herald, including this story and this original report.