Dear Esteemed Brothers and Sisters in Burundi, Again, it is a privilege to share with you scriptural and Spirit of Prophecy encouragement since […]

Dear Esteemed Brothers and Sisters in Burundi,
Again, it is a privilege to share with you scriptural and Spirit of Prophecy encouragement since you are part of our world family of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Thank you for your humble, consistent, and committed approach in standing firm for God’s precious Bible truth and the worldwide administrative and ecclesiastical system of the Seventh-day Adventist Church which has the mission goal of preparing people, through the power of the Holy Spirit, for the soon return of Christ. We admire your strong stand and support for those appointed by the church as spiritual leaders which include Pastor Lamec Barishinga, president of the Burundi Union Mission, and his dedicated colleagues. I want you to know that many people are praying for you and so am I. Continue to give strong witness and outreach to others regarding Christ, His righteousness, His plan of salvation, His three angels’ messages, and His soon second coming. We praise God for the protection and sustaining power He is bestowing on you as you face various challenges. Stay strong in the Lord as you participate in Revival and Reformation, Total Member Involvement, Mission to the Cities, Comprehensive Health Ministry, and other outreach activities.
Please rely on this wonderful promise of God in II Timothy 1:7 which says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.” What wonderful victory we have in Jesus Christ. Lean on Christ and claim this marvelous biblical promise. What a privilege to allow God to work in our lives and bring hope and healing to others as we look forward to our Lord’s return.
Take courage from the following Spirit of Prophecy quotation found in Selected Messages, Book 2, pp 272-273 (in the English version)–“You may be disappointed, and your will and your way may be denied; but be assured that the Lord loves you. The furnace fire may kindle upon you, not for the purpose of destroying you, but to consume the dross, that you may come forth as gold seven times purified. Bear in mind that God will give you songs in the night. Darkness may seem to enclose you, but you are not to look at the clouds. Beyond the darkest cloud there is an ever-shining light…….God has a special work for everyone to do, and each one of us may do well the work which God has assigned him. The only thing we have to fear on our part is that we shall not keep our eyes continually fixed upon Jesus, that we shall not have an eye single to the glory of God…..”
Keep your eyes focused on Jesus and His plans for you in Total Member Involvement as you continue to be a committed citizen of Burundi helping to build up society by looking to Christ yourself and pointing people to Him. Until I communicate with you again, may God give you the courage and focus you each and every day as we approach Jesus soon return.
With kind Christian regards and sincerely yours,
Ted N C Wilson
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists