This edition features stories from Brazil, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Russia, and the United States.

Mission Group Partners to Conduct More than 1,500 Free Blood Tests
Thanks to a recent partnership with three medical laboratories in São Gabriel da Palha, Espirito Santo, Brazil, a Caleb Mission group transformed the rooms at a local church to provide medical consultations and free blood tests to people who can’t afford them. More than 1,500 were assisted, regional church leaders said.
Silvana Santos, owner of one of the laboratories, said that “donating our time and our gifts is a way to transform lives, including ours.” Usual competitors became partners in the name of a greater cause. “By helping others, we also help to build a more supportive, compassionate, and humane world,” she added.
“The presence of three private laboratories highlights the importance of initiatives like this to build a healthier society,” said Felipe Battisti, from Laboratorio Battisti. In addition to the tests performed there, such as lipid profile, blood glucose, blood count, and urea, laboratories offered other expensive tests with a 50 percent discount. The local press covered the Adventist Youth-driven event.

Adventist College Transitions to University After Ministry of Education Approval
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) celebrates a historic milestone in its mission to provide Christ-centered education as Surya Nusantara Adventist College officially transitions into Surya Nusantara Adventist University (SNAU). The Indonesian Ministry of Education granted the institution university status on November 19, 2024, recognizing its commitment to academic excellence and its contribution to the country’s higher education landscape.
This transition marks a significant development for the Adventist Church’s global educational mission, church leaders said. SNAU becomes the fifth Adventist university in the SSD and the third in Indonesia, joining Universitas Klabat in Manado and Universitas Advent Indonesia in Bandung.
Rexon Nainggolan, newly appointed rector of SNAU, expressed gratitude for this achievement, stating, “Our transformation into a university is more than just a structural change; it is a testament to God’s leading in our institution’s journey. We aim to provide education that not only fosters academic success but also prepares young minds to serve with integrity and faith.”

District Launches New Children’s Sabbath School Curriculum
More than 100 church leaders from 10 organized churches in the Kavieng District of New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, attended the launch of the new children’s Sabbath School curriculum, Alive in Jesus, at Kaselok Organised church on February 1.
The new curriculum was introduced with practical demonstrations by children’s Sabbath School teachers. The sessions focused on the Baby Steps program (for infants aged 0-12 months) and the Beginners program (for children aged 1-3 years).
Church leaders present at the launch included local pastors, children’s Sabbath School teachers, elders, and New Britain New Ireland Mission (NBNIM) representatives, such as NBNIM accountant Rosemary Amos, New Ireland Provincial Area supervisor Paul Bopalo, Kavieng District director Samson Bengin, among others.
Bengin emphasized the importance of children’s ministry. “God has a place for little children in His heart, and He also has a place for them in His kingdom.”
According to Bopalo, participants responded well to the presentations and left the event feeling “blessed and committed” to implementing the new curriculum in their local churches.

Town in Siberia Welcomes New Members
A relatively small town close to the Kazakhstan border in Siberia, in the Russian Federation, recently welcomed new members after evangelistic meetings in the local congregation. From January 5 to 11, evangelistic meetings were held in the Isilkul community, in the Omsk Oblast, led by an Adventist family. Isilkul (population 24,500) is a transfer point on the southern branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway.
The daily number of visitors ranged from 11 to 18 people, local church leaders reported. Besides church members, regular and new visitors attended, the local congregation’s communication department reported. “Inspiring encounters full of incredible experiences of answered prayers and powerful living testimonies of God’s Word moved five people to make a covenant with the Lord,” the local church shared.
At the end of the program a former officer of the Cossack army was presented with a Bible. A family of Roma people was not left without gifts, either, as they were presented with a Bible in the Romani language.
“This evangelistic program was a blessing to the community and greatly inspired all those present,” local church leaders said.

AdventHealth Cancer Institute Begins Treating Patients With New Technology
AdventHealth Cancer Institute Shawnee Mission in Merriam, Kansas, United States, began treating patients with the Elekta Unity MRI linear accelerator (LINAC), a leading-edge cancer-treating technology. This advanced therapy uses MRI-guided radiation to view tumors in real time during treatment, resulting in pinpoint precision, fewer sessions, and reduced side effects. After installation and construction were completed earlier in 2024, rigorous testing and commissioning of the machine ensued, followed by extensive staff training.
AdventHealth Shawnee Mission is the first in the Kansas City metropolitan area to offer MRI-guided radiation therapy, addressing an unmet need in cancer therapy. The new technology enables personalized radiotherapy by integrating two critical but distinct technologies in a single platform: a state-of-the-art, high field (wide bore 1.5 Tesla) MR imaging system and a next-generation Elekta linear accelerator to target cancer more effectively.
“This marks an important milestone in cancer care for the region,” said Bhaswanth Dhanireddy, board-certified radiation oncologist and medical director of radiation oncology at the AdventHealth Cancer Institute. “The addition of the advanced MRI-guided radiation technology to our cancer therapy options allows us to see and track tumors during treatment and respond accordingly.”