Walfriede counted as one of the highest-ranked small hospitals across the nation.

Once again, Waldfriede Hospital in Berlin Steglitz-Zehlendorf is counted among the best in Germany. On August 13, 2020, the results of a study were published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) using data from more than 2,200 hospitals in Germany. In the category “Hospitals with 150 to less than 300 beds,” Waldfriede Hospital was counted among the best with 78.9 out of 100 points.
The study was commissioned by the FAZ Institute and carried out by the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF), with scientific support from the International School of Management (ISM).
The study’s methodology, carried out for the third time, was again refined and expanded compared to the previous year. Thus, in addition to an overall evaluation of the health-care institutions, hospital departments were evaluated. A ranking list of German hospitals was compiled with the help of the quality reports of the Federal Joint Committee of the Public, and additional data from evaluation and survey portals.
According to FAZ, the conclusion is a unique overview of “Germany’s best hospitals,” which helps make a large amount of information available.
The Hospital Evaluation
“The evaluation is a very serious survey result from a well-known German institute that regularly evaluates hospitals,” said Walfriede Hospital CEO Bernd Quoss. “This gives us a high reputation among patients, insurance carriers, and all business partners in the medical industry.”
Quoss said the evaluation leaves the Seventh-day Adventist health-care institution in good standing. “It is good to perceive that smaller hospitals can offer high medical quality and care, think and work on a Christian basis, and have a high social commitment to helping the people in the city. It ensures our continued existence for the future,” he said.
Desert Flower Center at Waldfriede
The hospital-based Waldfriede Desert Flower Center, which helps fight female genital mutilation (FGM), made headlines again in early August. According to a press release by the Berlin coordination office against FGM, DFC is one of the three contact points in Berlin and guarantees “a low-threshold first contact and individual support for its clients.”
With the approval of funding for the coordination center by the Berlin Senate, FGM services can be bundled and further developed in an interdisciplinary manner, as specialist competencies are strengthened. It is something that also creates greater public awareness.
DFC is the world’s first holistic care center for FGM victims and was founded in 2013 by recognized specialists in the field of intestinal and pelvic floor surgery, with the support of human rights activist and founder of the Desert Flower Foundation Waries Dirie.
There are other DFCs in Stockholm, Paris, and Amsterdam.
Waldfriede Hospital Health Network
According to its own reports, Waldfriede Hospital is integrated into the hospital’s own health network, which has become the most diverse medical and health-care provider in the district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf.
In addition to Waldfriede Hospital, a social center, and the PrimaVita health center, with its associated swimming pool, the network also includes the Academy for Health and Nursing, the Nikolassee Private Clinic, the Waldfriede Hospital Service Company, the Waldfriede Desert Flower Center (DFC), the Waldfriede Senior Citizens’ House, an outpatient day clinic, and, in future, a Medical Care Center for better outpatient care. This makes the Waldfriede network one of the largest employers in the district.
In 2020, Walfriede Hospital also turns 100 years old.
The original version of the story was posted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany news site.