A missionary is serving God and neighbor in one unlikely mission field in the Middle East.

A missionary is serving God and neighbor in one unlikely mission field in the Middle East.
Have you ever listened to a song whose lyrics seemed to be speaking right to you?
A young couple shares what they experienced as missionaries in that island nation.
Handing over leadership to the next generation is as challenging as it is essential.
Some tips can help us to move beyond external circumstances to find real contentment.
An Adventist health-care CEO reflects on what helps us to keep caring for others.
In the Marshall Islands, Adventists distribute first tract in the local language.
Church-member farmers and ranchers in the U.S. share their joys and challenges.
Tens of thousands were stranded on 9/11. Here’s one of those stories.
In the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, every Adventist school now has a space to highlight creation.
We must decide whether to debate, attack, or love.
Here’s how I see the way forward.
How to go from a judgemental attitude to a helping hand.
In the face of humanitarian crises far and near, what are the children of the King to do?
As we witness the suffering of the Afghan people, what are we to do?
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