As I talk to people my age, none of them are big on Sabbath School. It’s a shame.

As I talk to people my age, none of them are big on Sabbath School. It’s a shame.
In Zimbabwe, paying tithe in kind reminds Adventists about the blessings of giving back.
How a chance encounter led to a purpose-filled life.
Church members in the country can now take a course intended to build bridges with Native communities.
How can you secure eternal riches?
What a natural-world phenomenon can teach us about serving others.
Are you reading rationally or relationally?
What parents can do to support their teenagers in the age of online connections.
How a couple in Sweden came across the Adventist message during a snowstorm.
What do these seemingly dissimilar elements have in common?
Adventist Risk Management expert in North America explains the options available.
Adventist leader in Israel reflects on regional conflicts and longstanding peace.
In Canada, ADRA is happy to support a local congregation’s gardens to benefit the community.
Event will discuss a constitutional change to allow virtual attendance.
Erton Köhler and Paul H. Douglas will replace G.T. Ng and Juan Prestol-Puesán, respectively.
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