It requires more than just words.

It requires more than just words.
“Miss, they came prepared, and we’re going to lose,” my students told me.
North American Division president shares Black History Month message for 2021.
As Christians, we can use our time in the digital world to model Christ to others.
James Marape, himself an Adventist, calls members to focus on mission.
In Brazil, physical challenges have not stopped them from sharing Jesus
Only one antidote offers a 100 percent cure to those who take it.
A disturbing conversation with a five-year-old
Loving like Jesus implies moving from self-centeredness to other-centeredness.
In Part 2 of 2, an Adventist scholar discusses how to thrive in our new reality.
Four principles you can use to not only survive but thrive in the storms of life.
New biblical resources cater to students from Kindergarten to high school.
When parents with small children arrive at our church door, where is our attention?
What we say to each other can make a difference.
A brief reflection on United States Inauguration Day.
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