In Part 1 of 2, an Adventist scholar discusses pandemic fatigue and its effects.

In Part 1 of 2, an Adventist scholar discusses pandemic fatigue and its effects.
North American Division president reflects on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Where does the Adventist Church stand regarding Christian nationalism?
‘Spiritual Audacity: The Moral Response,’ is the theme chosen for Andrews University MLK remembrance.
A discussion of the latest findings and recommendations.
Celebrating the gift of peacemaking.
What would we do with all His power and all His grace?
Like the apostle Peter in the Bible, we are called to step out of the boat.
Evidence-based information combats COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.
Is there such a thing?
This year’s unique set of circumstances has not inhibited our ability to choose.
A volunteer missionary in the Marshall Islands shares an unforgettable experience.
Series in five English-speaking countries results in thousands of baptisms.
Volunteers keep praying and reaching out to thousands every day.
What does it mean?
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