The mystery from which true godliness springs is great.
The mystery from which true godliness springs is great.
How relevant is the Christmas message for a world going through a pandemic?
What is the church to do?
In Fiji, an Adventist mother recalls an ordeal that tested her faith to the limit.
Charity executive discusses what Adventists can do to restore human dignity.
Adventist Review Ministries launched new WhatsApp channel app.
Several church departments partner to support a care initiative.
In 2020 we have been reminded of our innate, human need and desire to be touched.
South Korea’s Golden Angels music group goes to great lengths to reach others for Jesus.
With funds low and volunteers few, a local Adventist church stepped out in faith.
Adventist Church Highlights World Orphans/Vulnerable Children’s Day.
It is time for all of us to see the possibilities and act.
Research shows feeding the brain is essential for good cognitive function.
Early childhood educators are laying the foundation for a Christ-centered life.
Sunday, November 8, 2020, my mom texted me a note that Alex Trebek, one of America’s most loved television game show hosts, had […]
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