Mongolia Mission moves forward in its work amid COVID-19.

Mongolia Mission moves forward in its work amid COVID-19.
Are people on social media really who they say they are?
How to help others and yourself during the times of social distancing.
How should the church carry out its mission during a worldwide pandemic?
The current crisis presents unprecedented opportunities for presenting Jesus to the world.
Answers to your questions about the reach of government in an emergency and your religious rights.
Leadership recommends that church entities abstain from participation
Or a time to engage?
Beyond current uncertainties, our destiny is to live eternally with Jesus.
Quarantine is not the last word.
Use these digital tools to serve the needs of your community.
Her example could inform our reactions and actions in the times of COVID-19.
An Adventist pastor shares her experience during voluntary quarantine in Estonia.
Practical advice to navigate a season of uncertainty and bad news.
“In your anger [and self-isolation] do not sin.”
© 2017 Adventist World