Business venture is a local church initiative to stay relevant and reach the community.

Business venture is a local church initiative to stay relevant and reach the community.
E. G. White Estate’s Alberto Timm shares about his recent distressing night during a cyclone in Mozambique.
How the recent college entrance scam in the U.S. reminds me of salvation.
What skydiving can teach you about trusting in Someone who can take you through.
A former student and theologian sheds light on the life and ministry of Desmond Ford, who died this week at 90.
Understanding orthorexia: when trying to be too healthy can become harmful.
Where do we draw the line between self-preservation and service to others?
Sharing emotions, something that women do better, can be very positive.
In India, It Is Written-sponsored eye camps are following in Jesus’ footsteps.
How human rights reflect heavenly values
What is it about this Adventist tradition that keeps people attending each year?
Celebrating Adventism’s history of social engagement
A Story of Perseverance tells the story of the challenges, joys of the church’s UK pioneers.
Why we need to talk about pastoral burnout, depression, even suicide.
‘The end of British Christianity’ challenges the church to act
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