Remember to be patient and kind as both your families come to grips with this new, somewhat complicated reality.

Remember to be patient and kind as both your families come to grips with this new, somewhat complicated reality.
Why did God, knowing “the end from the beginning” (Isa. 46:10, KJV), go ahead and create humankind in the first place?
Ministry of reconciliation is making positive inroads into the community, leaders say.
In Texas, friendship evangelism and prayer partners result in conversions, baptisms.
‘’Til He Comes’ grave marker is a witnessing opportunity, leaders say.
For many, our Thanksgiving holiday is inextricably tied to the image of Pilgrims dining with Native Americans, feasting on turkey, squash, and corn […]
Even when things look broken, God is powerful enough to create something new.
In Norway, leadership conference challenges participants to refocus, innovate.
Portuguese and Spanish editions illustrate key concepts from the book of Revelation.
World War I officially ended on November 11, 1918.
Adventist author, editor, and compiler Joe Wheeler’s new book has been released.
Marriage does not solve any problems; it simply compounds them.
The life of Martin Luther underscores the value of a relevant message.
What is your risk tolerance for the gospel of our Savior?
Screen exposure is eroding children’s creativity, and perhaps ours, too.
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