Evangelism in an age of social distancing

Evangelism in an age of social distancing
Adventist encouraged to pray and read Scripture
Four theologians discuss these and other questions on Adventist Review’s Pivot Points series
Adventist Review’s Pivot Points series interviews a panel of experts to find out.
Voice of Prophecy speaker Shawn Boonstra talks with Bill Knott about how Coronavirus has reshaped one of the largest Adventist evangelistic efforts in […]
Adventist Review launches Pivot Points series of virtual panel conversations to provide practical insights
What makes a natural disaster an “act of God?” Is God the one behind the typhoons, the locust plagues—and this mysterious virus now […]
Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others
August 12 is World Elephant Day⎯a day to celebrate one of the planet’s most beloved species and to raise awareness about the plight in which these creatures find themselves today.
Short interviews feature Adventists around the world involved in newsworthy endeavors
You don’t have to choose between your family and your calling to ministry.
Full video of his devotional message available for viewing
Full video of his devotional message available for viewing;
Some months ago, I accepted an invitation from Pastor Derek Morris, president of Hope Channel International, to participate in a Hope Channel Partnership […]
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