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Category: Feature
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Us and Us
Sometimes we can help; sometimes we need help.
Something Worth Investing In
A missionary teacher in Lebanon finds that sharing Jesus is making a difference.
Deeply Spiritual
Racism infects us at the core.
Born a Slave, Died a Freeman
John “the Dominie” West, Seventh-day Adventist minister and abolitionist
By Our Love
Don’t miss this sermon, shared last Sabbath in a racially and ethnically diverse Adventist congregation.
The Gospel Defeats Racism
For Peter and for us in the present day, the Spirit of Jesus roots out the sin of prejudice.
The Great Equalizer
The world is learning what the vulnerable have always known: there is no hope without education.
The Power of Strategy
I Will Go is the 2020-2025 strategic plan of the world church.
Preserving Adventist History
Editors soon to launch Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
Daddy in a Pandemic
A new father finds his way in very strange times.
Soul Care
How to avoid infection from another pandemic
Rights to the Kingdom
A “higher” framework of needs
Almost Home
We may not know where we are, but we know where we’re going.
Who Is My Neighbor in a Time of Social Distancing?
Do the Biblical principles still apply during quarantine?