Jesus is coming soon!

Jesus is coming soon!
To be friends to the friendless and fathers to the orphans
Reflections on a disciplinary experience
The following concerns Stephen Smith, who was once convicted for truth but decided to go his own way. His story reveals how the […]
Why was all authority given to Jesus after His resurrection (Matt. 28:18)? Didn’t He have it before?
He is alive!
“No! Not my glasses!”
A biblical understanding of the identity and nature of the Holy Spirit
It was in my pocket just a few minutes ago!” Photographers often carry too much stuff. Camera body, tripod, long lens, short lens, […]
Mommy, why are we going to Halima’s house?” Clara was curious. She had never been to a refugee family’s home before. “Well, honey,” […]
Biblical principles for worship music
I see how changes in society affect us
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is God’s remnant church; it is a unique Advent movement with a unique message on a unique mission.
What is the “eternal gospel”?
Practice without theory is as futile as theory without practice
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