Is there joy to be found in every situation?

Is there joy to be found in every situation?
Joy” is a short word that nevertheless encompasses a rich trove of experiences. Joy activates our whole being. We start glowing from the […]
There is no joy in pain. No joy in suffering. No joy in hardship. Paul writes a lot about joy in his letter […]
He readily gave me peace, a peace that passes all understanding.
If you are looking for a story about miracles, this isn’t it. If you are looking for a quick fix to problems, there […]
When I hear the phrase “rooted in faith,” I think of Mike. The most athletic and committed student on the university track and […]
I recently attended a Teeks (Auckland native singer) concert at the Auckland Town Hall. The song that spoke to me the most was […]
We live in a world in which joy seems hard to find. Faced with pain, loss, or even genocide, where can we find […]
Seeking warmth when it’s winter
The fine art of engaging and encouraging members new and old
The process of going from followers to disciples
Joining the church is just the beginning.
Jamaican Senate’s first blind president
Teaching, feeding, and clothing vulnerable children
The chaplain of the United States Senate is an Adventist.
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