We asked four young Adventists about their hopes and dreams for their church in 2021. Here are their answers.

Hopes and Dreams for our church in 2021
5 Min Read
We asked four young Adventists about their hopes and dreams for their church in 2021. Here are their answers.
Grace, Gratefulness, and New Beginnings
Coping with this pandemic together
Churches rising above the challenges of COVID-19
Building on a platform of hope
A conversation about the three angels’ messages
Seventh-day Adventists have always been people of prophecy.
Becoming an innovative thinker
More than meets the eye
Better Solutions for New Situations
New ways of ministering are necessary now.
Behind the masks, gloves, and gowns
We celebrate the actions of those who bear the fruit of their preparation through their relationship to Christ in these difficult times….
Is this the end?
We know how the story ends
© 2017 Adventist World