The church I want to belong to is Christ centered

The church I want to belong to is Christ centered
We are often unable to think outside the parameters that someone has laid at the beginning of a discussion.
The center of Scripture, doctrine, church structures, and even mission.
We asked readers: What comes to mind when you think of the words “the blessed hope”? How has the reality of Christ’s return affected your Christian experience, as well as that of your family and friends? Here are a few of their responses.—Editors.
Moving from disappointment to mission
The following sermon* was preached by William Miller in 1842. The language clearly exhibits traits of the nineteenth century; the ideas, however, are solidly biblical, timeless, and echo both urgency and passion.—Editors
Survivors of abuse within Adventist environments share their stories.
Interview with Church Leaders.
Features from the September 2019 issue of Adventist World.
No matter the outcome, we are called to be brave.
Standing tall for kingdom values.
Our Creator certainly knows how we can stay healthy.
Seventh-day Adventists believe that God is actively working to make His children healthy and well. Read on to be inspired by these stories of His hand actively working in the lives of four unique individuals. —Editors.
For the future of our children.
The beloved hymn “It is Well With My Soul” bears this precious verse: “Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It […]
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