Seventh-day Adventists, from their earliest days, established organizations to spread the gospel. Whether it was the International Religious Liberty Association in 1893, the […]

Seventh-day Adventists, from their earliest days, established organizations to spread the gospel. Whether it was the International Religious Liberty Association in 1893, the […]
“The Seventh-day Adventist Church is God’s remnant church; it is a unique Advent movement with a unique message on a unique mission.”
Missionaries still hear God’s call
A brief history of the Adventist missionary enterprise (1)
Are they really making a positive difference?
How do we make friends and influence people regarding who Seventh-day Adventists are and what they believe?
Everyone can help their neighbors tackle the current economic crisis.
What’s the link between the remnant and God’s mission?
A church plant turned missionary training center
Are they appropriate for Adventists?
Most students who applied this way of approaching Ellen White have testified that it revolutionized their perception of her as a person, her ministry, and her writings.
We had given him all the latest treatments available in our part of the African continent—without any success.
A volume for the times.
Biblical beliefs are fundamental.
Knowing and understanding the future has been an ever-present goal for fallen humans.
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