Those who taste of Pentecost won’t willingly go back to sameness, grayness, and things just as they were.

Those who taste of Pentecost won’t willingly go back to sameness, grayness, and things just as they were.
Quinquennial event now scheduled for June 6-11, 2022.
Joint initiative seeks to address shortages because of extended lockdowns.
Laypeople and leaders team up in an unprecedented project to educate Adventists about the three angels’ messages.
We can start doing so by following His method and going two by two.
An excerpt from the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
An article from the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
James Marape, himself an Adventist, calls members to focus on mission.
In Brazil, physical challenges have not stopped them from sharing Jesus
Having certainty in an uncertain world
Are they inevitable?
…there’s a Lord who has never left us, One who rises in the tumult to again command, “Peace, be still.”
Only one antidote offers a 100 percent cure to those who take it.
He reminds me that if I am too busy for time with Him and for the people He puts in my path, something is
An article from the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
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