Preparing to serve as noncombatants

Preparing to serve as noncombatants
An amazing chain of principles and practices unites more than 150 years of health ministry.
The colorful tale of Adventism’s first missionary to Europe
An entry from the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
Today his influence still is being felt, and the impress of his shaping hand still is seen.
An entry from the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
Does credible science support it?
What kind of advice would Joseph, Moses, and Esther have for me?
Both physically and spiritually
Family worship is a means of speaking to God as a group—then listening for His voice.
The mission—and the message—is all about worship.
Advent-Verlag continues to serve German-speaking populations around the world.
Reaching the world for Christ
What was it like to know Ellen White?
Research reveals some disturbing trends.
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