A small spark ignites a flame in China.

A small spark ignites a flame in China.
The rest of the world sees the Adventist Church as a leader in private education, and we should see it that way too.
Ministering for Christ in Russia
Building to God’s glory
Read another entry from the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
When honesty paid off
Another entry from the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
These Adventists put their faith on the front line of the Civil Rights movement.
Don’t ignore new symptoms that may be indicative of such health problems as….
Using simple means for miraculous results
“The best devotion is the discovery of a new idea.”
He was frail and sickly, with a three-month history of poor appetite, weight loss, and a mild cough.
Podcasting and Media Broadcast Ministry are among the latest options.
International response helps circumvent a paper shortage.
Our pioneers had to learn that “into all the world” meant all the world.
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