The change in our worship habits have been drastic. What’s next?

The change in our worship habits have been drastic. What’s next?
Stepping out in faith and finding God cares
One church decided to make a difference.
What does the church become when everything suddenly changes?
Following a series of consultations and a time of reflection, the Trans-European Division issued a formal apology.
Abiding in Christ
Can we learn anything about General Conference sessions from the past?
The church I want to belong to is . . . compassionate.
Bible reading programs, branch Sabbath Schools prove successful, church leaders say.
Ways to avoid being infected
Editors soon to launch Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists
What kind of church do I want to belong to? I have asked myself.
Changing diets would reduce greenhouse gases, land and water use.
An Adventist musician, inspired by the Easter season, uses familiar hymn lyrics in a new way.
Preschoolers don’t have to be left behind, thanks to this innovative teacher.
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