Are you willing to join the fight against the principalities of evil in this difficult era?

Are you willing to join the fight against the principalities of evil in this difficult era?
A sacred element of Adventist life on pause
What can we learn?
The beautiful thing about God’s Word and the Bible truth is that it cuts through all cultures.
Is it unsafe for the father, as well as the mother, to drink alcohol?
God has planted eternity in the human heart.
The church I want to belong to is . . . mission-minded.
Our morality is rooted in the Bible
Ethics and church leadership
What it is. What we can do about it.
The church I want to belong to is . . . ethical.
Sometimes God has to get me out of my comfort zone and to confront my fear in order to attain something valuable.
Peer pressure versus staying safe
For all who seek it
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it”
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