God is still in the business of transforming dreams into reality.

God is still in the business of transforming dreams into reality.
Why such an emphasis on health?
The solid Word of God
Before I learned to read the Word—before my childish eyes and mind had discovered how to decipher printed codes upon a page—I knew […]
Happy New Year! This is the time people all around the world are making resolutions.
Should it be eliminated from our diets?
I was already going somewhere when I said “I will go” for the first time.
We have had enough of margins, always circling, Rarely reaching to the core. We are worn with endless shuffling, half asleep, Our boots […]
How can I reduce risk?
Our last-day message
Is it a good detox agent?
Interested in current events, relevant news, and a dose of spirituality?
Jesus will return.
There is an irony, both sweet and sad, in the fact that millions of Seventh-day Adventists around the globe will note the 175th […]
No matter how far or fast we may run from Him, He still pursues us.
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