Being misunderstood is an awful experience, especially if you are a teenager and the person doing the misunderstanding is your parent.

Being misunderstood is an awful experience, especially if you are a teenager and the person doing the misunderstanding is your parent.
Children raced down the hallway, chattering excitedly on their way to find the rooms hosting crafts for their age groups. They dodged past […]
Use AW and AR—together—to fortify your life as a modern-day Adventist
After the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the gift of prophecy became an important means of communication between […]
A Vital Gift
Does it also affect emotions?
I remember my prayer that morning: “God, please help me find the people who need You the most, and show me someone I […]
Working together to fulfill Christ’s mission
When God is involved, anything can happen!
Becoming what we were meant to be
The skies darkened almost instantly; the last orange rays of the sun disappeared behind gigantic gray clouds. Cold winds and rain forced us […]
The Ellen G. White Estate currently has more than 5,000 letters written by Ellen White. This letter from Ellen White to Abram and […]
A conversation about the publication of the new German-language hymnal
Just a week before Christmas 1866, James White, weakened from a stroke he had suffered just 16 months before, was not recovering the […]
I teach health subjects at the senior academy level. I have personally enjoyed the World Health column over the years and have even […]
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