Conference in the Philippines explores ways to use music in the digital space.

Conference in the Philippines explores ways to use music in the digital space.
School works to ensure students have access to high-quality mental health resources.
Cross-cultural initiative helps church leaders to understand the region’s mission challenges.
Retired officer from Andrews Memorial Hospital is honored during Heroes’ Day ceremony.
How the Adventist Church is supporting newly baptized members in Papua New Guinea
Two regional health departments work together to promote health and sanitation.
Event explores ways of increasing collaboration across church ministries, departments.
Pastors meet in Orlando to be refreshed for ministry and renew connections.
South Pacific Division reports on joint initiatives with Southern Asia-Pacific Division.
Initiative led by the Amazing Facts ministry brings hundreds to Bible studies, baptism.
In the US, ministry leaders lead training for preaching the gospel across borders.
Organization celebrates mission impact of the ministry in New South Wales, Australia.
Initiatives seek to provide care to a growing segment of the church and population.
Church leaders reported that doors which had been closed to the gospel are now opening.
The country has become a powerhouse of mission support beyond its borders.
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