Organization seeks to connect Adventist lawyers and notaries across the region.

Organization seeks to connect Adventist lawyers and notaries across the region.
In Korea, Sahmyook University event coincides with church anniversary celebrations.
Convention reflects on the legacy of Michael Brown Jr. a decade after his death.
The IAD celebrated ‘Creation Sabbath’ as an integral part of Adventist faith.
Region affected has the largest number of church members in the country.
Leaders call for a renewed commitment to share the gospel in the country and abroad.
For the first time, leaders meet outside the territory to streamline regional partnerships.
Performance reminds leaders, members of the sacrifices of early Adventist missionaries.
Kyoshin Ahn discussed the Adventist Church’s latest figures, trends, and challenges.
New media facilities seek to increase the footprint of the ministry across the nation.
Special program at Belém Adventist Hospital promotes peace and hope in the recovery process.
Volume discusses importance of proper nutrition for optional health.
Justin Telesio reclaimed his life thanks to Loma Linda University Health support.
Evangelist discusses how to leverage new technologies to reach others for Christ.
Maranatha Volunteers International projects are called ‘life-changers’ in eastern Kenya.
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