Shocked pastor thanks God for closing the reptile’s mouth.

Shocked pastor thanks God for closing the reptile’s mouth.
Initiative for children keeps growing as it seeks to expand to other members.
Adventist humanitarian arm celebrates 40 years of service in Australia.
Summer event in Toronto, Canada, emphasizes the ministry’s distinctive role.
Initiative wraps up extensive mission and community outreach across the country.
First self-expanding aortic valve implantation highlights specialized services at Penang.
Regional Adventist Christian Fellowship Institute meets in Mid-America Union.
Pacific Adventist University vice chancellor Teatulohi Matainaho will lead new body.
Event seeks to highlight importance of physical activity for optimal health.
Renowned scientist discusses what led him to embrace Bible truths and modern science.
New facilities in west-central Florida, United States, are designed with growth in mind.
Three successive groups work on some of the areas most affected by the disaster.
Adventist humanitarian arm has had General Consultative Status since 1997.
Churches, schools, and ADRA are working together to assist those who are suffering.
The camp was the venue for historic meetings of the Sanctuary Review Committee in 1980.
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