Church ministries are reaching out to give hope to the displaced and hurting.

Church ministries are reaching out to give hope to the displaced and hurting.
Students and others are serving in some of the communities most affected.
The evangelistic series resulted in multiple baptisms and Bible studies.
Device is helping Sydney Adventist Hospital assist cancer patients with greater precision.
Among his projects, news presenter Cid Moreira recorded an audio version of the Bible.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church mobilizes to assist in recovery efforts.
General Conference president Ted N. C. Wilson leads meetings in San Francisco.
Here’s how the Adventist Human-Subject Research Association is supporting the church.
Regional orientation attendees are inspired and equipped, event organizers said.
Baptisms and wedding ceremonies are bringing inmates, relatives to God’s kingdom.
Events emphasized the importance of deepening understanding in prophetic writings.
Tamara Djurin’s empathy for her patients grows out of her personal life story.
Team gave medical, dental, psychological consultations, delivered medicines, and held lectures.
Two congregations merge to increase their reach in their community.
More than 300 attend convention, committing to integrity and excellence.
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